Thursday, December 17, 2009

No longer AFK!

Hey guys! I just got done with finals and school for the year. I've been so busy at my new school in Hawaii that I've had no time to play. But, I'm off, so that means....more videos. Yayyahooholycoolness. Yes, I know. You can barely contain yourself. Anyway I just uploaded a little video to let you all know what's going down, and check back in a few days for new content.

Have fun,


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Moving!! ^^

Hey guys, This post is going to be one of my last for awhile.

I'm moving to Hawaii on the 30th, and will not have any time to play while I assimilate into my new residence.

So, during that time I might update my blog, I might not, but there will be no videos probably until August.

I'll make a video that explains this on Friday to let the youtube community know.

Anyway, thanks for watching and I hope to see you all in August.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Papers, yuck!

Currently I am writing a English Research paper on Call It Sleep by Henry Roth. It is a fantastic novel if you have never read it and are bored over the Summer. It's also on the AP College Board's list of books to read before college if you are interested in a good college.

Anyway, besides that I'm not playing WoW too much, maybe an hour or two every three or four days. I'm just trying to finish up this work. I'm also moving to Hawaii June 30th, so I'm preparing for that.

Look back later this week for a new video. ^^


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Heroic Culling of Stratholme

No idea why fraps is lagging. It will be fixed by next video. Well, enjoy! ^^


Friday, June 19, 2009

Marksmanship 101!

Due to Panxor666's comment, I'm going to go a head a write up a full article on the tree, rotation and glyphs.

So, the spec I'm currently using is

If you are at hit cap, put the three points in Focus Aim into Imp Arcane Shot.

The glyphs I use are:



My rotation is:

Now as for shot priority:

Now, silencing shot isn't in the rotation as I use a macro which shoots it with my other shots.

These macros are:

#showtooltip chimera shot
#show chimera shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast chimera shot
/cast silencing shot

#showtooltip aimed shot
#show aimed shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast aimed shot
/cast silencing shot

#showtooltip arcane shot
#show arcane shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast arcane shot
/cast silencing shot

Now, other than that, my pet's spec:

Have a good day! ^^


>.< More School!

Sorry about missing a post yesterday, I'm very busy with school work!

Anyway, thanks for my 30 subscribers and 200 views on the Marksmanship video! ^^

Check back tomorrow for a new video, it's going to be on something fun, I promise.

Thanks again to Loanz for all the support! ^^ And thanks to the rest of the community.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cool, subscribers! ^^

So, my subscribers have jumped to twenty so quickly as of recent.

Thanks again to Loanz as well as all of my subscribers, twenty is great!

