Hey guys, This post is going to be one of my last for awhile.
I'm moving to Hawaii on the 30th, and will not have any time to play while I assimilate into my new residence.
So, during that time I might update my blog, I might not, but there will be no videos probably until August.
I'll make a video that explains this on Friday to let the youtube community know.
Anyway, thanks for watching and I hope to see you all in August.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Papers, yuck!
Currently I am writing a English Research paper on Call It Sleep by Henry Roth. It is a fantastic novel if you have never read it and are bored over the Summer. It's also on the AP College Board's list of books to read before college if you are interested in a good college.
Anyway, besides that I'm not playing WoW too much, maybe an hour or two every three or four days. I'm just trying to finish up this work. I'm also moving to Hawaii June 30th, so I'm preparing for that.
Look back later this week for a new video. ^^
Anyway, besides that I'm not playing WoW too much, maybe an hour or two every three or four days. I'm just trying to finish up this work. I'm also moving to Hawaii June 30th, so I'm preparing for that.
Look back later this week for a new video. ^^
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Heroic Culling of Stratholme
No idea why fraps is lagging. It will be fixed by next video. Well, enjoy! ^^
Friday, June 19, 2009
Marksmanship 101!
Due to Panxor666's comment, I'm going to go a head a write up a full article on the tree, rotation and glyphs.
So, the spec I'm currently using is http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#cxbZceVoRhzGIsguqox00b
If you are at hit cap, put the three points in Focus Aim into Imp Arcane Shot.
The glyphs I use are:
My rotation is:
Now as for shot priority:
Now, silencing shot isn't in the rotation as I use a macro which shoots it with my other shots.
These macros are:
#showtooltip chimera shot
#show chimera shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast chimera shot
/cast silencing shot
#showtooltip aimed shot
#show aimed shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast aimed shot
/cast silencing shot
#showtooltip arcane shot
#show arcane shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast arcane shot
/cast silencing shot
Now, other than that, my pet's spec:
Have a good day! ^^
So, the spec I'm currently using is http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#cxbZceVoRhzGIsguqox00b
If you are at hit cap, put the three points in Focus Aim into Imp Arcane Shot.
The glyphs I use are:
My rotation is:
Now as for shot priority:
Now, silencing shot isn't in the rotation as I use a macro which shoots it with my other shots.
These macros are:
#showtooltip chimera shot
#show chimera shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast chimera shot
/cast silencing shot
#showtooltip aimed shot
#show aimed shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast aimed shot
/cast silencing shot
#showtooltip arcane shot
#show arcane shot
/cast [target=pettarget,exists] kill command
/cast arcane shot
/cast silencing shot
Now, other than that, my pet's spec:
Have a good day! ^^
>.< More School!
Sorry about missing a post yesterday, I'm very busy with school work!
Anyway, thanks for my 30 subscribers and 200 views on the Marksmanship video! ^^
Check back tomorrow for a new video, it's going to be on something fun, I promise.
Thanks again to Loanz for all the support! ^^ And thanks to the rest of the community.
Anyway, thanks for my 30 subscribers and 200 views on the Marksmanship video! ^^
Check back tomorrow for a new video, it's going to be on something fun, I promise.
Thanks again to Loanz for all the support! ^^ And thanks to the rest of the community.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Cool, subscribers! ^^
So, my subscribers have jumped to twenty so quickly as of recent.
Thanks again to Loanz as well as all of my subscribers, twenty is great!
Thanks again to Loanz as well as all of my subscribers, twenty is great!
VoA is for men...wiat..what does that even mean?
So, today we do VoA. I love this place; it's so easy. Watch the video and enjoy!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Silencing Shot MM Spec
So, this video is about a new MM spec that I have including silencing shot.
Look back later today for a full write up.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sorry about not posting yesterday, I've been so busy with my make-up work for school. Thanks to all the new subscribers, and all of those who watch.
Look out for a new video sometime in the middle of this week. It will either be about raiding, more MM, or something completely out of left field.
Look out for a new video sometime in the middle of this week. It will either be about raiding, more MM, or something completely out of left field.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hey guys! The video today is about Heroic UK! It's a very easy instance, but I thought I might as well make a video about it. It gives the strategies for the bosses, as well as info about my priest's addons.
Hopefully another video will come out tomorrow, and that will be more hunter based.
Anyway, have a great day and watch the video!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Yay! still doing school work!
So, school is over for everyone else except myself! ^^ Gotta love having an autoimmune disease. :P Anyway no video today, but hopefully I'll get one out Saturday. I think it's going to be a really fun video so make sure you check back soon.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
At school
So, I'm at school waiting until the teacher gets back who runs the testing center. It's on the Russian revolution, so it should be easy.
Anyway, I got some great ideas for the video on Saturday..I think I will be doing raiding needs and what to do to start!
Anyway, I got some great ideas for the video on Saturday..I think I will be doing raiding needs and what to do to start!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ding! video
Hey guys, I can't make a film until Saturday, I think, so to tide you all over I have a bit of video of my friend Kokobeastly dinging to 80! ^^
Grats on 80, kid!
Look back either Friday or Saturday for the new video. It's going to be on..umm...cool things. :P In actuality it will most likely be on what to do to in order to start raiding, or something about hunters! Haha
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Congratulations Kokobeastly!
Grats on level 80 Koko! I hope you enjoy all that has yet to come in WoW!
Koko is a dear friend of mine and I wish him all the best!
In the next video I will show the ding as I recorded it.
Koko is a dear friend of mine and I wish him all the best!
In the next video I will show the ding as I recorded it.
New video!
New video is now up. I hope you all enjoy it. Check back later today or tomorrow for a full write up.
Yay, thanks to everyone who watched my first video since it just hit 100 views!
I am so happy!
New video is also up. I will post it as soon as it is fully uploaded
I am so happy!
New video is also up. I will post it as soon as it is fully uploaded
New video will be out later today
Hey guys! Today's video will be in full HD! Yay, no more squishiness! This video will be more about the Marks tree, such as pet selection and gear choices. Make sure you check it out!

I <3 photoshop! ^^
-Studying too much
I <3 photoshop! ^^
-Studying too much
Monday, June 8, 2009
So, I made a promo video for the blog. It's nice little video that explains what it's all about. Plus you might get a benefit in a later video if you actually ready this. Go watch!
Hail Hamlet!
New video is now up!
Check it out! ^^
Anyway, the minor glyphs are
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=43351 - Glyph of Feign Death
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=43350 - Glyph of Mend Pet
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=43338 - Glyph of Revive Pet
I'll have a complete write up on all of this tomorrow.
So, I just finished up my second video as I got bored of studying. It's all about the marksmanship tree. I hope you all enjoy it, and it will be up in a few hours if you are just looking at this as it takes around 2 hours to publish the film into 1080p. :P I hope you all enjoy it!

P.S - The title is granite as I was reading Freakanomics and it said real estate with the word granite in the listing would sell the house for more money. I just hope it brings about more views. ^^
P.S - The title is granite as I was reading Freakanomics and it said real estate with the word granite in the listing would sell the house for more money. I just hope it brings about more views. ^^
Sunday, June 7, 2009
So, I'm almost done studying for my calc final, which is tomorrow, and I'm trying to decide what my next video will be about. I have a few options. The first, and my favorite, is going to be about the Marksman tree after 3.1.3. Another can be some coll dailies or something. And the last can be more about me and my WoW life. Anyway, It'll be out this weekend, hopefully Thursday. I know not many people read this at the moment as it's so new, but if you do, leave a comment about what you want to see!
Good Night!

I'm going to accompany all my posts with pictures, it's too blank otherwise.
Good Night!
I'm going to accompany all my posts with pictures, it's too blank otherwise.
First Post!
Heya everyone! This is my first post as a WoW blogger *Yay*! This blog will be updated all the time. If not daily, the multiple times a week. Anyway, I will also be making videos that accompany these posts. My first video (above) is all about the add-ons I love to use in WoW. All can be found on curse, and if not curse, the WoWinterface. The first add-on I talk about in Ag_Unitframes. Ag can be found here http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5468-ag_UnitFrames.html . This is a great add-on for the minimalist as it is light-weight and looks appealing. The next add-on I love is Dominos3 (http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info9085-Dominos.html). This add-on is the great for setting up simple bars. It has many features though, such as icon size and spacing, which allows for great customization. The only problem with this add-on is that the bars like to stick to the bottom of the screen which can get annoying. Another great add-on is Atlas, which I accompany with Atlas loot. Atlas has maps for all of the instances, and Atlas loot displays what each boss can drop from a given raid or instance. Anyway, watch the video for more. I gotta get back to studying for my calculus final. >.<
Have fun in your journeys,
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