Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Silencing Shot MM Spec

So, this video is about a new MM spec that I have including silencing shot.

Look back later today for a full write up.



  1. Il ove your Blog keep it up=)!

  2. yes as do i what guild are you in on emerald dream im not shure but i might be coming back to my roots with my hunter and pally if i can aford it just wanted to know if you had a guild and of so if they have opanings for a dps/ tank pally and a hunter

  3. I'm in a guild named Crimson Alliance. It was the first guild created on Emerald Dream. We are always recruiting, you would just need to apply. We are an RP guild, so you need to RP in order to join, but we are also a Ulduar raiding guild. :P

  4. i remember CA i was in that guild on my pally his name was killerwolf ask people simon if he remembers me
